Смотреть что такое "innon" в других словарях:
innon — see innan … Old to modern English dictionary
wiþinnon — see wiþinnan 1 … Old to modern English dictionary
Innung — Gilde; Zunft * * * In|nung [ ɪnʊŋ], die; , en: Zusammenschluss von Handwerkern desselben Handwerks, der dem Zweck dient, die gemeinsamen Interessen zu fördern: in die Innung aufgenommen werden. Syn.: ↑ Genossenschaft. Zus.: Augenoptikerinnung,… … Universal-Lexikon
Eddy current brake — An eddy current brake, like a conventional friction brake, is responsible for slowing an object, such as a train or a roller coaster. Unlike friction brakes, which apply pressure on two separate objects, eddy current brakes slow an object by… … Wikipedia
Sand Lark — Taxobox name = Sand Lark status = LC | status system = IUCN3.1 status ref = [IUCN2006|assessors=BirdLife International|year=2004|id=52895|title=Acridotheres ginginianus|downloaded=2007 04 21 Evaluations in 1988 / 1994 / 2000, all LC. Least… … Wikipedia
Old High German declension — Old High German is an inflected language, and as such its nouns, pronouns, and adjectives must be declined in order to serve a grammatical function. A set of declined forms of the same word pattern is called a declension. There are five… … Wikipedia
Innung — Sf erw. fach. (14. Jh.), mhd. innunge, mndd. inni(n)ge, innic Stammwort. Verbalabstraktum zu ahd. innōn in einen Verband aufnehmen, verbinden . Dieses zu inne und weiter zu in. ✎ Obst (1983), 168 178; Röhrich 2 (1992), 779f. deutsch s. in … Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache